Leading With Integrity


Today I read from Psalms as I continue to look at leadership and what good leadership looks like.  David was a man “after Gods own heart,” but he wasn’t perfect.  He like all of us failed in his leadership.  He was an adulterer, a schemer, and a murderer; but he still had integrity.

You may be asking how that’s possible.  David had standards and he never wavered from acknowledging that his actions weren’t always in alignment with those standards.

Integrity is not perfection.  Integrity is when your morals, beliefs, and values are “integrated” into your actions.  Leaders with integrity have a “moral compass” and they recognize when their actions are in opposition to that compass.  They confess those actions as sin, cry out for forgiveness, and then refocus on the standards they’ve set for how they live their lives.

Those that follow you aren’t looking for a “perfect” leader.  They want a leader who knows what they stand for, behaves accordingly, and when you fail…admit your failure and make it right, don’t simply change the rules.

Be Awesome Today!



Happy Birthday to Me!


Well I have officially completed one more trip around the sun. When I started this trip, my 50th one, my life was quite different than it is today.
Last year at this time, I was unaware of the changes God had in store for me and as I reflect this am on His goodness, I can see as Joseph did that what others meant for evil, God turned into good.
The past year has seen pain, hurt, fear, anger, doubt and frustration; but it has also seen hope, excitement, prosperity, trust, and forgiveness.
I began this 50th journey getting up everyday and going to work with the purpose of pleasing a man and making money, and today I get up to go to work with the purpose of glorifying Christ Jesus!
I woke up a year ago with an amazing woman, Sabrina Westenbarger who loves me unconditionally, and today I woke up with the same woman who but I have a clearer picture of her unending love for me because of what she went through along side me during this past year.
I’ve have been abandoned by some who said they were friends, and some might say I’ve abandoned a few as well. I’ve also made a lot of new ones. I felt the love and support of my true friends during this journey. They encouraged, laughed, cried, and most importantly prayed for and with me along the way.
Although my 50th year here in my temporary home (I mean earth as opposed to heaven but those that know me might get a kick as most my earthly homes are temporary as well), has been the hardest of all. However, at the same time I feel it was the most blessed.
My God is the same God he was a year ago. He is faithful. He is loving. He is good. He never left me because He promised He never would and my God cannot break a promise! It’s not in His character.
Several years ago I began judging a young QB at FSU and I used a tagline “Character Matters.” Although I was wrong to judge anyone, let alone someone I don’t know personally I see now God was working through that. I was the one living with character issues by accepting things that were not aligned with who I am. God new it but I couldn’t see it.
One of the most valuable lessons God taught me this year is that character matters to him. We cannot “believe” one thing but tolerate things opposite of our beliefs. Our standards become what we tolerate.
As leaders we must recognize that those we lead will forget 90% of what we say, but they’ll rarely forget what we do. Always remember though, none of us will be perfect leaders. We are, however, as Paul told young Timothy in I Timothy 4:15 to show progress. As my dear friend Brian Harre reminds me regularly, sometimes we are using a dimmer switch and it takes time for the light to be fully bright.
Thanks to all of you who have been part of this 365 day journey around the sun. I pray that this year instead be a 365 day journey around the SON!

Be Awesome Today!