Leading With Integrity


Today I read from Psalms as I continue to look at leadership and what good leadership looks like.  David was a man “after Gods own heart,” but he wasn’t perfect.  He like all of us failed in his leadership.  He was an adulterer, a schemer, and a murderer; but he still had integrity.

You may be asking how that’s possible.  David had standards and he never wavered from acknowledging that his actions weren’t always in alignment with those standards.

Integrity is not perfection.  Integrity is when your morals, beliefs, and values are “integrated” into your actions.  Leaders with integrity have a “moral compass” and they recognize when their actions are in opposition to that compass.  They confess those actions as sin, cry out for forgiveness, and then refocus on the standards they’ve set for how they live their lives.

Those that follow you aren’t looking for a “perfect” leader.  They want a leader who knows what they stand for, behaves accordingly, and when you fail…admit your failure and make it right, don’t simply change the rules.

Be Awesome Today!